Tuli | Fair trade jewelry from East Africa

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One Year of Impact

It's been a year since Tuli officially opened for business, so today, we're taking a break from looking to the future and instead are reflecting on our short past. We at Tuli are overwhelmed by the support and reception we've experienced in our first year, and we appreciate every person who has purchased from us, shared our mission, or helped spread the word. You're the ones who are making a difference!

We still have a long way to go in the fight against poverty, but we're proud of what we've accomplished so far. In our first year of business, we've created enough work in Uganda to provide 4,448 meals, to send 39 kids to school, and to change the lives of the small group of artisans we work with.

We know we're still small, and that's why we keep our group of women small. The greatest part of our business model is the steady work and livable income Tuli provides. We want to be sure we can provide a life-changing income to each of our partners, so as we grow, our artisan team does, too.

We operate on an empowerment model, so we pay our partners for their work and trust them to use the money in the manner best for their families. We measure our impact in tangible goods to show you the power your purchases have, but the money you contribute may go to food or rent or medication. Tuli's power is in its aggregate sales, which provide income large enough to support and sustain a family.

We can't stress enough how much your support means to us. To show our appreciation, please use the code "HOORAY1" to get 20% off your purchase until Sept. 12. It's our birthday gift to you!