Tuli fights poverty by creating sustainable jobs in East Africa. Every product is lovingly handmade by our talented, tenacious artisan partners and provides them a stable, living wage. And unlike other fair trade brands, we hire our artisans for life, so they can rise out of poverty for good.

We are obsessed with elevated design and quality, but Tuli is more than just jewelry. We are empowerment. We believe that charitable efforts, while noble, do not provide a long-term solution to poverty. Instead, economic development and job growth are the key to eliminating poverty for good. Our mission at Tuli is to create steady, fair-waged jobs for our partner artisans in Uganda and Kenya.

Through their work with Tuli, our artisans are able to feed their families, educate their children, and rise out of poverty. We’ve had artisans send their children to university, start their own businesses, buy land, and invest in their futures. Whether our artisans eventually leave to pursue new opportunities their economic and educational empowerment opened or whether they keep their jobs with us long-term, we focus on impacting their lives with every business decision we make. It amazes us that something as simple as jewelry can create such enormous change in East Africa, not just for our artisans, but for generations to come!

 Every Tuli product directly impacts the artisan who made it.  Here's how your purchase helps:


We create jobs by bringing our partner artisans' handmade jewelry to a global market. This helps them access buyers not available in East Africa.


Having a consistent source of income changes everything. Our partners in East Africa are able to meet their immediate needs.


As they continue to work with Tuli, our artisans are able to put aside long-term savings and build a better future for themselves.


Tuli is all about long-term solutions. Rather than enacting temporary relief efforts, your purchase creates long-term jobs and steady incomes to break the cycle of poverty. Our partners in Uganda and Kenya are empowered to create their own futures.

In Uganda, "tuli" means "we are." We believe in bringing people together for collaborative solutions. When you wear a Tuli product, you are joining this community. You are an agent for change.